Monday 25 August 2008

Chequerboard - Penny Black

Lucky is the artist who could find themselves at abode on very different iPod playlists, and John Lambert - aka Chequerboard - is one of them.

His full-length debut 'Penny Black' would have as much appeal for the lover of guitar virtuosity as the fan of laidback electro or the rocker whose first exposure to the acoustic was the presentation to Metallica's 'Battery'.

It's arguably harder with all-instrumental albums to keep listener's attention throughout, and while Lambert sometimes relies overly much on the same pacing, he's also cagey enough to keep his record astute and succinct - club tracks in 34 transactions.

Behind his brilliant playing there is more than enough ingenuity with machines to say that what comes future will be far more than complex and colourful. And anyone wHO hears this, will look forward to hearing that.

Harry Guerin

More info

Friday 15 August 2008

Download Agoraphobic Nosebleed

Agoraphobic Nosebleed

Artist: Agoraphobic Nosebleed: mp3 download





Altered States of America

 Altered States of America

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 1

Headed by guitarist/bassist/drum software engineer Scott Hull (besides of Pig Destroyer and once of A.C. as well), grindcore nut-cases Agoraphobic Nosebleed have existed in various forms since 1994. Their dim, punishing sound mixes together erosive vocals, harsh (and inhumanly fast) drum-machine beat generation, and Hull's Earache-schooled guitar riffing. Their songs ar short and compress, in to the highest degree cases clocking in at less than a instant long. Their lyrics ar often as unorthodox and/or mystifying as the band's appoint and song titles (e.g., "Chalking the Temporal God Module," "The Fatter You Fall Behind," "Lives Ruined Through Sex") would appear to paint a picture. Topics such as nut case revelation theories, homophobia and misogyny, drug conspiracies, mind control, rampant capitalist economy and consumerism, and biological terrorism get all surfaced in their songs; and ar often addressed in ambiguous, free-associative shipway, interspersed with

Italo Maxi-Hits

Thursday 7 August 2008

Billy Crystal - Crystal Slammed By City Slickers Sequel Director

Funnyman BILLY CRYSTAL's nice-guy image has taken a hammering from his CITY SLICKERS subsequence director, wHO reveals the actor was challenging on the set.

British moviemaker Paul Weiland expected the film, City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold, to be packed with good times and laughs - just, instead, it was a terrible shoot.

And he blames his allergies and Crystal for ruination the experience.

Weiland says, "I'm always slimly anxious at first with movie stars because they can either make your life a dream or a living hell.

"Sometimes you get an actor wHO is majorly neurotic or powerful and controlling and it's ugly. Billy Crystal really wanted to be directing the movie.

"If you're hired as a director and somebody says, 'You're not really gonna be the conductor; you're on that point to hold Billy's hand and actually he's gonna direct it,' and then that's fine. But, to not be told that and then to go in, it's an full-scale war - and it's not pleasant."

And when he wasn't dealing with Crystal, Weiland was trying to cope with his allergies.

He adds, "I'm allergic to things like horses and cats. When I