Monday 25 August 2008

Chequerboard - Penny Black

Lucky is the artist who could find themselves at abode on very different iPod playlists, and John Lambert - aka Chequerboard - is one of them.

His full-length debut 'Penny Black' would have as much appeal for the lover of guitar virtuosity as the fan of laidback electro or the rocker whose first exposure to the acoustic was the presentation to Metallica's 'Battery'.

It's arguably harder with all-instrumental albums to keep listener's attention throughout, and while Lambert sometimes relies overly much on the same pacing, he's also cagey enough to keep his record astute and succinct - club tracks in 34 transactions.

Behind his brilliant playing there is more than enough ingenuity with machines to say that what comes future will be far more than complex and colourful. And anyone wHO hears this, will look forward to hearing that.

Harry Guerin

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